From the quality of our raw materials supplier to our shipping partners, OSUNSHINE evaluates all partners and distributors to ensure that our services and ozone generators meet high quality standards. Key components are provided by internationally trusted manufacturers and inspected before being used. We train our inspection and quality control personnel to be experienced with more than 28 kinds of testing equipment to prevent any defective products from being shipped, making us a high quality ozone generator supplier.
1. SMT Machine
We use SMT machines and automatic CNC machines which have a speed of 0.04s/point and accuracy of 0.02mm, from the Japanese brand Fuji.
2. CNC Bending Machine
The CNC bending machine can process sheets with a length of 2500mm and a thickness of 6mm.
The ozone generator, after bending, has a ± 10 wire precision rate.
A. Accessories assembly plant
The workshop includes generating tube assembly, circuit board testing, electrical performance testing as well as accessories packaging.
1) Generating tube assembly
2) Circuit board testing
Circuit board components are assembled according to product specifications.
3) Electrical Performance Test
4) Spare Parts Aging Test
Connects the tube and the circuit board for aging test.
5) Spare Parts Packaging
Packaging designed according to product specifications, and padding prevents damage during transport.
6) Spare Parts Warehouse
The assembled semi-finished products will be placed in the warehouse after inspection.
B. Intelligent power assembly
The power supply automatically alerts against faulty operation and water levels.
C. Circuit board aging test
Assembled circuit boards undergo an aging test.
D. Detecting vibration table
The assembled components placed on the vibration table for 30 minutes will be determined faulty or not.
E. Small machine assembly plant
In this assembly plant, an experienced team assembles mini portable generators.
F. Large machine assembly plant
In this assembly plant, large ozone machines are assembled by an experienced team.
G. Ozone concentration detection for small machine
The lower the oxygen value, the higher the ozone concentration generated, and vice versa.
Oxygen display area
H. Ozone concentration detection
Detects the ozone concentration in large ozone machines and records the parameters.